Friday, December 17, 2010

Three more intros run, and we're all set.

I've run Richard (who joined the game at the last minute), Sami, and Sandor through the introduction.

Sami went first. Her item was a small case of stage makeup, including a mirror. She spent most of her time examining the room and the case, until the lock clicked and she opened the door...

Sandor followed. I've never gamed with Sandor before, so I wasn't sure what to expect (which is part of the reason why I ran these little mini-sessions in the first place). He woke up, looked around the room, and started trying to escape, of course. His item, which he found quickly, was a cell phone. I say was because during the course of trying to open the door, he smashed it and used the plastic bits that made up its case to try and pick the lock... Can't believe he broke the cell phone! That's ok - I have something in mind to recover from this, and it's going to be nice and creepy. >: ) After he broke his phone, I decided to let him out - the lock clicked, and he opened the door...

Finally it was Richard's turn. He did some of the usual introspective things - who am I, how do I know how to talk, walk, etc. I've noticed about half of my players are introspective, half aren't - should be an interesting dynamic to watch unfold during the first real session. Anyway - Richard's item was duct tape, which he decided to put to use by throwing it at the light on the ceiling. After a few minutes of playing around in this manner, the lock clicked, and he opened the door...

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